The Hendrik Agency Snapshot

How it works

A screenshot of a website with a percentage of satisfaction on it.


In todays ever changing world of technology, we're doing things we only ever imagined about. Google can take a picture of something and instantly show results for the same product, our phones listen to us talk and seem to know what we want or like before we do, and so much more.


At Hendrik Agency, we're no different. No, we don't have a bazillion dollar budget to totally AI our whole business, but we know of some pretty cool products that are out there. We utilize certain products and software's to help us do a better job for you, our customer.


Our snapshot (which we consider one of our secret weapons), is an incredible tool we have that we believe, sets us apart from our competition.  With one click, we can scan your businesses presence across the entire internet. We think that's pretty cool, and also a HUGE advantage for us & you!


Once we've scanned the entire internet to see how your business is ranking, we can have a conversation about how the business is doing, where it is lacking, and how we can do better, without breaking your goals, or the bank. 

Ready to Elevate Your Online Presence?

Let’s Connect!

If what you've seen piques your interest, we’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions or are ready to start your digital journey, reach out to us. Call us at 519 778 7884 or hit that button below and get in touch with us. Your success is just a conversation away!